
It’s smarter and more romantic than your average sea monster, with nine (count ‘em) brains and three hearts. No, we’re not talking about Miguel, we’re talking about octopus.



-1.5kg large Fremantle octopus

-4 bay leaves

-1 ó tablespoons spicy paprika

-1L beer, plus 1L for topping up


Freeze octopus for at least two days for tenderising.

Defrost in fridge.

Preheat oven to 170C. Place in a deep roasting tray with bay leaves and paprika. Season well.

Cover totally with beer and roast for 2 hours, topping up with extra beer, until octopus is tender. Remove from oven and cool octopus in liquid.

* The Captain’s Caution: this recipe involves beer, lots of beer, so perhaps not one for the kiddies.