Introducing The Captain. So, who am I? And what am I doing tapping on this keyboard and publishing a glossy magazine instead of chasing Tahitian women, hand-lining giant sharks from a creaking timber ship and drinking rum from an old tin cup?
Well, I am drinking rum, but I’m also hunting a modern form of treasure, something not so easy to find these days. I’m looking for stories, real stories of awesome adventures and dynamite destinations. I’m looking for the craftsmen who hone their skills in the shadows of life. And I’m looking for quality products that don’t get the kudos they deserve.
I have a crew to help me tell the tales – a crew that hasn’t been bribed with power, money or free product. They’re a crew who tell it like it is, and have the scars to prove it – mostly well-hidden by large beards and iridescent polarised sunglasses. Their tattoos also tell the stories.
The Captain magazine isn’t full of glossy ads – it doesn’t even have editorial pretending not to be ads. It probably would have, if only the crew hadn’t spent so much time hunting good stories, such as the origin of Australia’s most-famous hull, the 233. It might have been a total sell-out, if only the crew wasn’t busy shining a light on such legends as Harry Foullas and his amazing boat Triple H; or Damian Oswald and his very cool fish rubbing. And if they weren’t holding their breath underwater for so long to spear a 13kg snapper, then maybe it would have been just another mundane magazine.
So get your hands on The Captain Legends of the Sea. If you’ve got a tale to tell, or you know of a good story, then let me know. If you know of a craftsman who is creating something clever and deserves some attention, then drop by the wharf. There’s an old tin cup here with your name on it – and the rum never really runs out.
You can get your copy of The Captain from most good newsagents, Newslink and Relay stores (at the airports in Australian and New Zealand), WH Smith stores and The Captain’s own website here.
Meet the team

Jack Murphy
Content creator
An avid fisherman, photographer, writer, blogger and beard grower, Jack Murphy from Sydney’s Northern Beaches loves his job. Jack worked as a photographer and journo for leading Australian and International magazines for over six years, before starting up a content agency called Moby Dick Content with business partner, Travis Godfredson. Jack was also a hardcore blogger back in the day, with over 30,000 followers, publishing to all platforms. His images tell stories, and he describes his style as, “Dynamic, gritty and sometimes moody, but always full of salt and vinegar flavouring”.

Travis Godfredson
Content creator
Before becoming deck-hand on The Captain, Trav wore a suit, carried spreadsheets and walked fast to board rooms, but he unshackled himself and broke free to spend more time doing what he loves; creating cool content in amazing destinations with real people. Travis lives on the Northern Beaches of Sydney with a patient wife, Emma, three bundles of curly-haired energy and an archive of Series LandRovers. When he’s not creating content or babies, he’s tinkering with a ½ inch spanner, kayaking or hanging at the beach with the kids. Fishing and boating was his destiny. His Dad built speed boats and fishing boats, as well as owning trawlers in the Torres Strait. On the other side of the family, his father in law is a former pro fishermen and Cape York fishing guide, so fishing tales are never far from Trav’s sunburnt ears.