by The Captain | Mar 18, 2016 | Adventures, Articles, Captain's ships
Harry Foullas spent seven years rebuilding a 1977 Haines Formula 233. He gave up several times, but now he’s finished, he’ll never sell her. The Captain knows this because we offered the neighbour’s house for it. THE CAPTAIN: WOW, WHAT A REBUILD. WHY A...
by The Captain | Mar 17, 2016 | Adventures, Articles
Joel Ryan shows THE CAPTAIN how an open mind and flexible plan can improve your chances of landing on the fish. Public holiday. Tick. Brilliant weather forecast. Tick. Tuna biting. Tick Our plan is perfect. Except for one thing. The tuna are biting all along the...
by The Captain | Mar 17, 2016 | Adventures, Articles
The new Anglapro Sniper 484 PRO is a highly versatile weapon. Snipers are known for their ability to hit a target, their precision, their stealth and their ability to apply their skills to any environment. That’s what the team at Anglapro have channelled with the...
by The Captain | Oct 20, 2015 | Adventures, Articles
All 4 adventure power up their sixth season with Honda outboards. “Reliability is everything. It’s great to see they rely on Honda”. Jason Andrews and Simon Anderson from Australian television show, All 4 Adventure, do some pretty crazy trips – on...
by The Captain | Sep 27, 2015 | Adventures, Articles
The Captain’s crew discovers a gamefishing wonderland in a land (and sea) that time forgot. As the plane flew low over Hobart I glanced out the window at the shimmering water beyond that southern city and wondered, is there such thing as gamefishing heaven? In...
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